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Bichir, a cousin to the Reedfish, are one of the only two Genus’s to make up the Polypteridae Family. Where the Reedfish species is alone in it’s Genus, the Bichir is made up of several Species.

The Bichir is known for its dragon like eel appearance. If you have the tank for it, it can add that ancient prehistoric look you may be looking for. Be careful when purchasing a Bichir because it can quickly and easily grow to 2 feet in length.

Interesting thing about Bichir is their ability to breath air. They posses lungs that can actually allow them to live out of water for short periods. If your Bichir frequents the surface it may be a sign of low oxygen in the water column.

Bichir Quick Facts

Scientific Name:Polypeterus………
Common Names:Bichir, Dragon Bichir, and Dragon Fin
Tank Size:120 Gallon Minimum
pH:6.5 – 7.5
Behavior:Semi-Aggressive (depends on tank
Max Size:24 Inches
Lifespan:10 Years (in captivity)
Temperature:72 to 80 ℉

Bichir Origins

Bichir are native to Africa and can be found throughout the tropical regions swamps, floodplains, and estuaries. However, they are commonly bred for aquarists now and are easy to find.

Their species date all the way back to the Mesozoic era and are at least 65 million years old. Bichir are truly prehistoric from the Cretaceous Period.

Bichir are easily identifiable by their dorsal fins. Instead of having just one, Bichir can have between 7 or 18, depending on species. Their ability to breathe oxygen from the air is done through a pair of spiracles on top of their heads.

Ornate Bichir
Ornate Bichir – Source: Wiki

The Perfect Bichir Tank Setup

  • 120 Gallon minimum. Width is more important than height.
  • 72-80 ° F.
  • Keep an air gap in top for your Bichir to breath and to also prevent escape.
  • Keep with large non-aggressive fish. It WILL eat anything it can fit in its mouth.
  • Choose a soft substrate since Bichir spend most of their time resting on the bottom.
  • Proper filtration required.

Common Bichir Species

A list of the more commonly available Bichir and their specific features.

Ornate Bichir

(Polypterus ornatipinnis)

  • Max 24 Inches
  • Min 180 Gallon Tank
  • Aggressive towards other Ornate Bichir unless in a very large setup

Cuvier Bichir

(Polypterus senegalus)

  • Max 18 Inches
  • Min 120 Gallon Tank
  • Also known as the Senegal Bichir
  • One of the more peaceful species

Weeksii Bichir

(Polypterus weeksii) 

  • Max 20 Inches
  • Min 160 Gallon Tank
  • Not recommended for beginners. Has a higher care level
Senegal Bichir
Senegal Bichir – Source: Flickr

Bichir Diet

Bichir are carnivores and require a variety of live food and various meats. Shrimp, hearts, blood and earth worm, mussel, and feeder fish are great choices.

Another alternative is to train your Bichir to eat pellet food. Although the above mentioned foods are good, they can greatly decrease the water quality.

Bichir are nocturnal eaters and will prefer to eat with the lights off. Bichir also have difficulty seeing and will find their food by smell. Do your best to ensure they are getting their fair share.

Feed your fish two times a day no more than they can consume within 5 minutes or so. Any food that they don’t eat will sink to the bottom and both exaggerate the cleaning requirements but also increase the ammonia in the water. Water quality is especially important in smaller tanks or bowls. (Feeder fish are an exception to this rule)

Bichir Compatibility

Bichir are generally peaceful in a large tank with other large peaceful tank mates. They will not do well with any other tank mate that can fit in its mouth. On the rare occasion it becomes aggressive toward large fish, it can be a sign of an environment that is too small. It could also be an accident as the Bichir is nearly blind.

Any large fish will do. The larger species of cichlids, large rays, catfish, and Arowana are perfect tank mates.

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Further Reading

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